Aug 11

How do I submit a bug report?

Category: FAQs

Within the web application, the best procedure is to submit details using the ask a question feature. A link to this can be found on your Dashboard.

There is a dedicated Submit Bug Report feature within the mobile application that has the additional advantage of also sending a screenshot. This is accessed as a menu item of the main navigation drawer. Click on the ‘hamburger’ (3 horizontal lines) menu button in the top left of a main screen (i.e. Home, Calendar, History or Charts). Once in ‘bug reporting mode’, you can navigate and annotate as appropriate before submitting . Additionally, an application log is sent that can significantly assist with investigating the issue.

About The Author

Dr. Sean Radford, the Founder & CEO of TrainAsONE, is a medical doctor, IT expert, coach and podium finisher in international endurance events. He has dedicated more than 20 years to the research of health, fitness and social well-being of the general population. He has been developing Artificially Intelligent (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) tools to help tackle some of the world’s leading health issues. Dr Radford is a Tech Ambassador for the UK, considered a leading expert in his field, and is a regular speaker at key events, as well as an author of numerous research publications.